
Kuva Ipana-Messin sisätiloista. Kuvassa Ipana-Messin pyöreä logo, jossa lukee Avoin kohtaaamispaikka Ipana-Messi Uusikaupunki.

What is Ipana-Messi?

Ipana-Messi is an open meeting place for all families with children. We organize varied activities and sometimes invite visitors.

The weekly program is updated on our Facebook page. You may also find updates on cancellations of programmes, if any. These activities are free of charge. We serve coffee and tea, you can have own food with you. 

We also offer equipment rental.

Contact information

Rantakatu 15, Uusikaupunki
044 770 7690

MLL Uusikaupunki: mll.uusikaupunki@gmail.com

Susanne Jalonen, 
family activities coordinator:
044 757 3742

Family Café

Mondays at 9.30–12.00
Wednesdays at 9.30–12.00
Thursdays at 16.30–19.00
Fridays at 9.30–12.00

The Family Café is an open meeting place for parents with children under school age. The activities are free of charge and do not require prior registration. The Family Café often hosts various activities suitable for families and children.

Baby Café

Tuesdays at 9.30–12.30

The Baby Café is an open meeting place for families with babies under 1.5 years old. It is recommended not to bring older siblings to the Baby Café, so that the babies can safely engage in activities.

Learn the Finnish language

Welcome to Ipana-Messi, where you can meet other families and learn the Finnish language together every Wednesday 21.8.–11.12.2024!

The “Finnish made easy” -small group is organized on Wednesdays at 12.00–13.30 together with an language instructor. We provide childcare during the workshop.

On Wednesdays, you can also learn the Finnish language together with your whole family, including children, at Ipana-Messi’s Family café at 9.3012.00. Welcome to Ipana-Messi at Rantakatu 15, Uusikaupunki!

Flavors from Around the World

Tuesdays 3.9., 1.10., 5.11. ja 3.12.2024 at 17.00–19.30. 

The Flavours from around the world -evenings are activities for the whole family to explore different cultures together.

Welcome to learn about new cultures in different ways, depending on the evening and the culture. These evenings can include music, dance, games or a little food tasting from the culture in question!

Participation is free, but please register no later than four days in advance. When registering, provide the names of all participants, the ages of the children, and your phone number.

More info and registrations:
Tiina Nyman, anttonentiina@gmail.com

Baby Meetups Online

Wednesdays from 13.00–14.00

You can join the baby meetups, designed for pregnant families and families with children under 1 year old, from the comfort of your home online at 13.00–14.00. Join in to listen to experts and presentations related to baby care.

The baby meetups are held in person at Turku's Marakatti (Sepänkatu 3). You can find the upcoming meetup topics in Moodi's Facebook events. You can always join through the link below.

Moodi - activities and services for families

Through MLL Varsinais-Suomen Moodi, families can find activities suitable for their different life situations in their own locality, but also the online activities of the MLL Varsinais-Suomen district.

Online Meeting Place

Turun Seudun Mamit is a digital meeting place and peer support group for all mothers in Southwest Finland on Facebook. The group also hosts many smaller online groups: you can join, for example, the Teen Moms group or the Mami Food Assistance chain.

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